

当社ウェブサイトをご訪問いただき、大変光栄に思います。弊社製品を購入、サービスを受け入れ、当ソフトウェアをご利用いただき、お取引について誠にありがとうございます。今後、より良いサービスをご提供できるよう、ご利用者の個人データを収集、使用する可能性があります。ご利用者のプライバシーを最も重視するため、以下のプライバシー政策について、個人データの取り扱いと個人相関権利に関して説明いたします。 当社が提供する声明書を読んで確認した後、あなたは当ウェブに全ての関連条項を知っていた、理解した、又は同意したものとみなされます。20歳未満である場合は法定代理人が同意を与えた時、会員を登録する。


会社名:NAK Sealing Technologies Corporation (incorporated under the Company Act of R.O.C.)
登記住所:No.336, Industrial Road, Nankang Industrial Zone, Nantou City 54065, Taiwan







5.Cookie policy

Like most websites and applications, NAK use cookies to help provide you with the best experience whilst using our service. The cookies we use are split between the following categories:
      (a)Essential cookies
      which are an essential part of our service and affect the way you can use our site
      (b)Performance cookies
      which are used for analytics
      (c)Functionality cookies
      which collect information about your device to help you customize our service
On your first visit to our site from your browser we will display a notice to notify you that we are using cookies. We will only load the Essential cookies and Functionality cookies until you have clicked the “Accept” button on our cookies notice. If you click the “Accept” button our Performance cookies will be loaded.

   5.1 cookies placed by NAK
   cookies placed by NAK enable the Website to remember your actions and preferences over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the Website or browse from one page to another:
The type of service Website Guiding Contact
Information recorded by cookies the visitor’s country and language preference visitor's name, country, Gender, Job Title, Phone No, Company, Fax No, Website, Email and Address
Purpose of placing cookies Guiding the visitor to the suitable version of the Website. Avoiding the business visitor repeating the input on the same device.

   5.2 cookies placed by Third Party
   You may also encounter cookies that are placed and controlled by third parties such as Google Analytics will collects information about how our website and service is used. Other cookies placed by Third Party such as YouTube will collects information about how you used them when visiting the Website or interacting with certain parts of our service.
   For more cookies information about Google Analytics, please visit:
   For more cookies information about YouTube, please visit:    https://policies.google.com/privacy.


TEL: +886-49-2255011
FAX: +886-49-2250035
E-MAIL: service@mail.nak.com.tw

7. データ保存期間


8. 第三者サイト
